Removal and installation/check of shock-absorbers of a bumper
1 Remove the forward shock-absorber.
2 Disconnect the shock-absorber-1. For this purpose turn away a nut-3.
On a place of nuts-3 there can be rivets. In this case them it is necessary засверлить. Turn away a nut-2 and take out the shock-absorber. If there is a connector of a cable-4, preliminary open it and turn on.
3 Measure length of the shock-absorber from the centre of a plastic insert to a basic surface. If the received value less than 127.5 ± 1 mm, replace the shock-absorber.
4 Insert into place the shock-absorber and fix its moment 50 Nm (a key on 13 mm) or 10 НЧм (a key on 8 mm) or приклепайте usual explosive rivets. 5 Fix a cable connector if he acted in film and fix a cable. 6 Establish a forward bumper.