BMW 3 series E46

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

The BMW of 3 series Е46
+ Cars BMW 3 (Е46)
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ Power supply systems, injection and release
- Engine electric equipment
   The general information and security measures
   + System of electronic control by ignition and injection of the petrol engine
   + Ignition system
   + System of preheat of the diesel engine
   - Charge and start systems
      The general information on system
      The battery - the basic data and leaving
      Removal and installation of the storage battery
      Check of the storage battery
      The generator. The general data and security measures
      Removal and generator installation
      Check and replacement of brushes of the generator / of a regulator of pressure
      Removal and installation, starter check
      Removal, installation and check of the traction relay of a starter
+ Manual transmission and transmission a line
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes

лечение спины

The generator. The general data and security measures

Before to make any works on gymnastics system, it is necessary to familiarise with following security measures:

1 Never disconnect the battery or a pressure regulator when the engine and the generator work.
2 Never close the plug of excitation of the generator or the cable fixed on it on weight.
3 Never confuse wires of a regulator of pressure.
4 Never include a pressure regulator if it is connected to weight (instant damage).
5 Never remove the generator if the battery is not disconnected from a contour.
6 At battery installation watch, that the minus plug was connected to weight.
7 Never use the indicator of pressure which is connected directly in a household network (110 or 220). Use only the indicator for 12 Century
8 If the battery is charged in the established condition зарядным by the device, both cables of the battery should be disconnected. The positive plug charger devices to connect to the positive plug of the battery, and the negative plug charger devices with the negative plug of the battery.
9 Wrong connection of wires leads to destruction of the rectifier and a pressure regulator.

Check of the established generator

At normal movement the lamp of the control of a charge should go out. Otherwise, malfunction consists in the generator or a pressure regulator.
First, check up electric connections of the generator. Check up, whether correctly will pull driving a belt. The further check can be spent only on the removed generator, however it is possible to check up all safety locks preliminary.


Generator bearings have long-term greasing and do not demand regular maintenance service. To keep a generator outer side clean and not to suppose hit on it of water or other dissolving means.