BMW 3 series E46

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

The BMW of 3 series Е46
+ Cars BMW 3 (Е46)
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
- Power supply systems, injection and release
   Security measures and rules of observance of cleanliness at work with fuel system
   Removal and installation of the gauge of a stock of fuel / the fuel pump
   Check of the gauge of a stock of fuel
   + The power supply system of petrol engines
   + System of injection of fuel of the petrol engine
   + The power supply system of diesel engines
   - System of release of the fulfilled gases
      Work catalytic the converter
      Security measures for an exception of damages catalytic the converter
      Removal and installation of system of release
      Check of tightness of system of release of the fulfilled gases
      Removal and installation of the gauge of oxygen
      Removal and installation of a final collector
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission and transmission a line
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes


The diesel engine is equipped турбокомпрессором. At турбокомпрессора there are two turbines established on one shaft and placed in two separate cases: приводная the turbine working from fulfilled gases, and the delivery turbine compressing air, arriving in the engine. Thus angular speed of rotation of a shaft of turbines reaches 120 000 rpm. Greasing турбокомпрессора is carried out from system of greasing of the engine.

The increase in capacity of the engine at the expense of a turbo-supercharging reaches 100 %. Along with increase of capacity owing to application турбокомпрессора the twisting moment increases also. Growth of capacity among the other depends on pressure наддуваемого air which at engines of cars makes 0.4 - 0.8 bar. Pressure of air by means of the pressure gauge is supervised and regulated by an engine monitor. Thus, excess of pressure of air above the admissible is excluded.

Between турбокомпрессором and an inlet path of the engine there is a cooler наддуваемого air. Air cooling promotes increase of capacity of the engine as cold air thanks to higher density has higher maintenance of oxygen.

Турбокомпрессор car BMW

3rd series has adjustable directing shovels, management with which it is carried out from a monitor by the engine through the electromagnetic valve and a vacuum box. It provides achievement of optimum pressure of air at any number of turns of the engine that in turn provides higher twisting moment and higher capacity of the engine, in particular, at low numbers of turns.

Contrary to petrol engines at diesel it is not required to reduce degree of compression because of pressurisation. Thus, on low turns injected fuel completely is burnt.

Турбокомпрессор represents the mechanism very much a split-hair accuracy. Therefore, as a rule, in case of malfunction турбокомпрессор it is replaced entirely.