BMW 3 series E46

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

The BMW of 3 series Е46
+ Cars BMW 3 (Е46)
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
- Power supply systems, injection and release
   Security measures and rules of observance of cleanliness at work with fuel system
   Removal and installation of the gauge of a stock of fuel / the fuel pump
   Check of the gauge of a stock of fuel
   + The power supply system of petrol engines
   + System of injection of fuel of the petrol engine
   - The power supply system of diesel engines
      Principle of work of the diesel engine
      Work of system of injection
      The device of heating of the fuel filter
      Removal and installation of atomizers
   + System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission and transmission a line
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Electric equipment schemes

Principle of work of the diesel engine

At work of the diesel engine in its cylinders pure air which is compressed to a high pressure is soaked up. Thus air heats up to the temperature exceeding temperature of ignition of diesel fuel. Fuel is injected into cylinders where air temperature makes nearby +600°С, with some advancing and ignites. Thus, spark plugs for fuel ignition are not required.

At very cold engine the temperature of compression of air can appear insufficient for fuel ignition. The preliminary heating of the engine in this case is required. For this purpose in each cylinder of the engine the electric candle накаливания is established. Duration of heating of the engine depends on temperature of external air and is regulated by the special relay of monitor DDЕ.

Fuel is sucked in топливоподкачивающим by the pump located in a fuel tank, and moves to the fuel pump of a high pressure (ТНВД). In ТНВД fuel is compressed to the pressure necessary for injection. Injection is carried out in an order similar to an order of ignition in the petrol engine.

Fuel injection in cylinders can be carried out in three ways: through the prechamber, the vortical chamber or it is direct in the combustion chamber.

At вихрекамерном and prechamber injection diesel fuel is injected into the prechamber of the corresponding cylinder. The hot fuel mix ignites at once. However the volume of the oxygen containing in the prechamber, is sufficient for burning only parts впрыснутого fuel. The remained not burnt down part of fuel under the influence of pressure of combustion is thrown in the basic chamber of combustion where there is a full reburning of fuel.

At the direct injection applied in engine BMW of 3rd series, ТНВД directly injects fuel into the combustion chamber, namely, in a cavity in the piston. Thus ТНВД creates pressure nearby 1300 bar and injects fuel in two steps. Thanking многосопельным to atomizers at first preliminary injection of a small amount of fuel which, burning down is made, creates favorable conditions for injection of the basic quantity of fuel. Such process of injection provides the soft and silent combustion similar вихрекамерному to combustion. The quantity of injected fuel is regulated by an electronic monitor.

Before fuel receipt in ТНВД it is cleared in the fuel filter of pollution and water. Therefore very important it is regular within the limits of maintenance service carrying out to clear the fuel filter.

ТНВД does not demand service. All mobile details are greased with diesel fuel. Drive ТНВД is carried out through a chain.