BMW 3 series E46

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

The BMW of 3 series Е46
+ Cars BMW 3 (Е46)
+ Current leaving and service
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ Power supply systems, injection and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission and transmission a line
+ Automatic transmission
- Coupling and power shafts
   - Coupling
      Removal and coupling installation
      Removal and installation of the bearing of deenergizing of coupling
      Removal of air from a coupling drive
      Removal and installation of the working cylinder of coupling
   + Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
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Removal and coupling installation

On cars BMW of 3rd series self-established coupling (SAC - Self Adjusting Clutch) is applied. At removal and installation of this coupling it is necessarily necessary to wring out press a disk special tool BMW. The similar tool is available also for firm KLANN. Besides, or KLANN special aligning core BMW is necessary for installation of a conducted disk. Here working process with tool BMW application is described. If tool KLANN is applied, it is necessary to be guided by its description.


1 Remove Manual transmission, address to Section Removal and installation Manual transmission.

2 Fix a flywheel of the engine at a gear wreath a screw-driver and a core or special tool BMW-1. There is a similar tool of firm KLANN KL-0110.

Special tool BMW 21 2 160 or KLANN KL-0500-10 can be established only in the points shown on an illustration, otherwise coupling can to be damaged.

On an illustration coupling with the inserted aligning core is shown. The tool is not inserted yet.

3 Insert the adaptation for preliminary compression, address to an illustration. Tighten the screw-1 and check up reliability of its position.

4 Screw the screw-2 so that springs-3 were compressed against the stop. Turn away bolts of fastening of a basket of coupling consistently on 1 – 1.5 turns so that to unload press a disk.

If all bolts at once turn away, owing to a warp springs and pins of a basket of coupling and a flywheel can be damaged.

5 In summary completely turn out all bolts.
6 Take out a basket of coupling and a conducted disk.

Do not drop a basket and a conducted disk at removal, otherwise after assemblage there can be malfunctions in coupling work.

7 Wipe a flywheel.


1 Check up presence задиров on a flywheel. At their presence it is necessary to replace a flywheel. After each removal it is necessary to establish new special bolts. Tighten cross-wise bolts of fastening of a flywheel to a cranked shaft efforts presented in Specifications.

2 Check up ease of rotation of the directing bearing (the radial ball-bearing). Otherwise remove the bearing a stripper, for example, KLANN KL-0043-31 and запрессуйте against the stop the new bearing a hammer and a brass core against the stop.
3 Remove the bearing of deenergizing of coupling from a basic pipe on Manual transmission and check up, address to Section Removal and installation of the bearing of deenergizing of coupling.

4 Check up an adjoining surface of a press disk on presence of cracks, an overheat and deterioration. Press the disk having a deflection to 0.3 mm inside, can be устанавлен. Check is made by a ruler and щупом.

5 Smooth out press a disk and a flywheel a micrometric skin.
6 Check up springs of a basket of coupling on presence of damages.
7 the Greasy or mechanically damaged disk replace.

8 Measure by a calliper a thickness of frictional overlays of a conducted disk. For this purpose measure distance between a frictional surface and heads of rivets - And-.

The distance should be measured at a closing head - And - instead of at a mortgage head of a rivet - In-. The distance should remain not less than 1.0 mm. Otherwise it is necessary to replace a disk.


At installation of new details the varnish for protection against corrosion should be removed only from frictional surfaces of a press disk and a flywheel. Not огружайте a coupling basket in solvent also do not blow compressed air, functioning of the mechanism of adjustment of coupling otherwise is not guaranteed.

Installation of a basket of the coupling which were in the use

1 Shift back an adjusting ring. For this purpose establish a coupling basket together with the tool for a preliminary tightness on a pure lining. Fix an adjusting ring a screw-driver at one of grooves-1

2 Oslabte the screw-2 tool for a preliminary tightness so that it was possible to turn an adjusting ring a screw-driver.

The clamp-3 is inserted only when the adjusting ring is compressed.

3 Turn to the left against the stop a screw-driver adjusting a ring at press elements-1.

4 Insert a clamp-3 into a groove. Thus, the adjusting ring is fixed.
5 Screw the screw of the tension tool so that диафрагменная the spring in a basket has been pressed against the stop.
6 Insert into a flywheel a coupling disk.

Insert a disk correctly. For this purpose the coupling disk has marks “Getriebeseite” (the check point Party).

7 Align a coupling disk in a flywheel the adaptation-1, for example, BMW 21 2 142 or KLANN KL-0500.

The bolt-2 serves for adaptation removal on the established basket.

8 Put a coupling basket on corresponding pins. Tighten bolts of fastening of a basket of coupling consistently on 1 – 1.5 turns so that it has been fixed. Watch that at an inhaling of bolts the coupling basket sat down on a flywheel in regular intervals. The inhaling moment depends on a class of durability of bolts which is beaten out on a head of bolts. Address to Specifications.

9 Oslabte the screw for a preliminary tightness so that the spring in a basket has been completely unloaded by the tool. Loosen the the screw-1 also remove the adaptation.

10 Take out aligning adaptation with a bolt-2 of a conducted disk. For this purpose screw a bolt and pull for it.

Installation of a new basket of coupling

11 Insert into a flywheel a conducted disk.

Insert a disk in correct position. For this purpose a disk “the check point Party” has marks.

12 Align a coupling disk in a flywheel the adaptation-1 for the directing bearing in cranked to a shaft, for example, adaptation BMW 21 2 142 or KLANN KL-0500.

The bolt-2 serves for adaptation removal in the established basket of coupling.

13 Put a coupling basket on corresponding pins. Tighten bolts of fastening of a basket of coupling consistently on 1 – 1.5 turns so that the disk has been fixed. Watch that at an inhaling of bolts a coupling basket it was involved in a flywheel in regular intervals. The inhaling moment depends on a class of durability of bolts which is beaten out on a head of bolts, address to Specifications.

The lock element-1 is authorised to be deleted only at the fixed basket of coupling. Turn out a lock element a face key-2 on 14 mm rotation clockwise.

At a reversing of a lock element диафрагменная the spring can publish characteristic noise to which it is not necessary to pay attention.

14 Extend aligning adaptation a bolt from a conducted disk. For this purpose screw a bolt and pull for it.

15 Remove aligning adaptation from a flywheel.

16 Grease grooves шлицевого connections of primary shaft Manual transmission by a thin layer of greasing “ESSO UNIREX”.

Do not put too much greasing, otherwise it can get on frictional surfaces of coupling and cause coupling failures. The necessary quantity of greasing corresponds approximately to the size of grain of fig. Then move every which way conducted disk on shaft Manual transmission so that the nave easily went on a shaft. Surpluses of greasing remove.

17 Establish Manual transmission, address to Section Removal and installation Manual transmission.